Join Radiance Energy With New Years Resolutions That Improve Our World
January 12, 2022
Last Updated
January 12, 2022 at 5:53:06 p.m.

Happy 2022 from all of us at Radiance Energy! We wish all of you a prosperous and healthy new year filled with new opportunities for a healthier planet and better world for everyone.
For many of us, 2021 was a challenging year. Government mandates, business shutdowns, closed borders, travel restrictions, and other policies related to COVID-19 continue to cause disruption. As the "new normal" comes into focus, many of us are finding it increasingly difficult to create new resolutions in this environment of uncertainty.
Thankfully, some things remain unchanged. Maintaining values that promote sustainable environmental stewardship will always be the right path forward. In that sense, New Year's resolutions can take a different tone this year. Rather than make common resolutions such as losing weight, getting a promotion, or buying a new car, we can make promises to ourselves and our community that are aligned with creating a better world.
Start the New Year with resolutions that benefit the environment
At Radiance Energy, we are committed to helping the environment by creating products that use less electricity while reducing our carbon footprint. Besides benefitting the planet, LEDs save major money on electricity bills while upgrading the look of your space and increasing the value of your property.
LEDs create less waste and last longer than any other lighting solution
Almost everyone knows that LEDs last a long time, but did you know that they last longer than any other type of bulb on the market?
LEDs are one of the most rapidly-developing and energy-efficient lighting technologies. Compared to other solutions, LEDs have a lamp life that is 50 times longer than a typical incandescent, 25 times longer than a standard halogen, and ten times longer than a typical CFL.

LEDs deliver up to 90% cost savings
Did you know that lighting takes up nearly 20% of your commercial energy bill? LEDs can reduce those expenses by saving you up to 90% in energy costs while providing you with high-quality light that is more attractive and healthier than any other option on the market today.
Besides using less electricity, modern LED solutions are virtually maintenance-free. So by switching to LEDs, you save in multiple ways - and that can translate into significant cost savings that make a big difference in the long run.
New budget requirements for the year? No problem! Radiance Energy can help you with our Lights for Service Program, where we upgrade your lighting with no money upfront while allowing your savings to pay off the cost of the project.
LEDs are simply better than other commercial options
LEDs are a superior lighting solution that combines technological innovation, energy efficiency, and flexible customization options that upgrade the look of any space. With a variety of fixture types that include ambient, accent, and task lighting, LEDs can be customized to completely transform any room.
LEDs can also promote a healthier indoor environment with options that allow you to brighten, dim, and color-tune your lighting to suit the purpose of your space. And unlike traditional CFL lighting, LEDs are flicker-free and don’t cause headaches in sensitive individuals.
Join our referral program to earn money while helping the environment!
Do you know a business that would be a good fit for an LED transformation? If so, then you may qualify to earn up to $5000 by joining Radiance Energy’s Referral Program! It’s a great opportunity to earn an impressive commission while helping residential buildings, schools, and businesses upgrade to environmentally-friendly LED lighting.
Joining our referral program is easy:
1. Visit our website at to get the latest information on our products and services.
2. Make a list of all possible referrals, including educational institutions, residential buildings, commercial businesses, and industrial companies.
3. Email us at to introduce yourself and let us know that you have some possible clients that might be a good fit for an LED transformation. If approved, you’ll receive information packages to distribute to your prospects.
If any of your leads sign a contract, you will receive up to $5000 in referral fees! And for each successful project we install, we share our success by providing learning assistance classrooms with commercial-grade LED lights - free of charge!
Experience a brighter future with Radiance Energy!
Make 2022 the year you make money and save on electricity costs with high-quality LED lights that increase the value of your property while helping the environment. Schedule an audit with one of our experts to learn more!